Land Use application and review process
City of Wahkon Land Use Application & Review Process
Applicant shall complete Land Use Application and submit to the Zoning Administrator or City Clerk.
Applicationshallbeaccompaniedbyasiteplandrawingthatiscompletewiththefollowingminimuminformation (as close to scale as possible): - Size of parcel - Location on the parcel of all existing structures, their square footage and distance from all property lines, setbacks (including road, bluff, and shoreline) and each other - Location on the parcel of all proposed structures and their square footage, distance from all property lines, setbacks (including road, bluff, and shoreline) and each other - Location on the parcel of existing and proposed sewage treatment systems and wells and their distance from property lines, structures and each other - Existing and/or proposed square footage of the driveway (gravel and paved), access roads, parking, sidewalks
Application shall include drawings showing number of bedrooms in the structure.
Application shall include elevation drawings showing proposed structure height.
Applicant shall include the signature of the title owner of the property.
By signing the application, the applicant and/or landowner is agreeing to allow the Zoning Administrator the right to conduct a site visit on the property to ensure the proposal meets the requirements of the Ordinance. Additional site visits by the Administrator will result in additional fees.
REVIEW: A. The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall review the application for completeness and assign a reference number to application, plans, and any other attachments. Staff will indicate on the application the date that the application is complete. The applicant will be notified where additional information is needed. B. The Staff shall, based on submittals, compute the Land Use Permit Fee. This fee shall be paid by the applicant at the time the application is submitted.
In order to obtain a Land Use Permit, the following must happen: A. The Zoning Administrator must review and approve the application. B. The City Clerk must verify all current billings and insure that the applicant is current on all payments. C. The Zoning Administrator must insure that the permit fee has been collected. D.The Zoning Administrator must insure that the proposed improvements meet the requirements of the Ordinance.
Updated January 10, 2023