around town: about our city
Learn about our history, spots to visit, places to worship, local businesses and restaurants.
The Story of Wahkon, MN
Tucked along Mille Lacs Lake’s South Shore, Wahkon was the earliest settlement in the Mille Lacs Lake area, beginning its history in 1885. It was platted on the southeast shore of Mille Lacs Lake by the Soo Railroad Company near the site of the old town of Lawrence, once an American Indian trading post.
Robert and Ben Briggs built a log cabin near the old site of the Soo Line Depot, acted as land surveyors and located men on claims as families began moving into the area. In 1907, with the coming of the railroad, the Wahkon town site was set up and in 1912 it was incorporated as a village.
Wahkon was a typical “boom town” of the early days with American Indians, lumberjacks, ox and horse teams filling the town’s streets. The town became a rail terminal and the docking point for large logging company steamers that transported logs from all points around the lake.
Historical Tour of Old Wahkon
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Phil Tideman and Don Robbins for creating this comprehensive map of historical points of interest with complete descriptions. If you would like to view a printable version of the Wahkon Tour Map please click on the following link. Wahkon Tour Map
Website of Interest
This interesting site contains the complete yearbooks (scanned) from 1933-1934 Wahkonian 1933-1934. You can view them by individual page or easy to use slideshows.
Among the gems awaiting visitors to Wahkon is the City Park on the shores of Mille Lacs Lakes Wahkon Bay.
The picturesque park is accessed just off the north end of Main Street at 250 4th Street W. A recently re-crafted sign points the way to the lane which ends at a finely groomed picnic area with plenty of parking for the occasional tourist as well as the anglers who frequent the site. READ MORE
Come stroll or sit a spell at Veterans’ Park and you’ll soon feel in touch with Wahkons history of service to community and nation. A fine resting spot for visitors, the park features memorials, evergreen-shaded benches, picnic tables and playground equipment for the kids. READ MORE
The voyage of the Ellen Ruth to her final berth in a Wahkon park is a tale drenched in the fishing history of the lake.
Visitors to Wahkon can find the impressive 42-foot launch moored at the south end of town at the corner of Main Street and 1st St. E. The Ellen Ruth was once the largest fishing launch in active duty on Mille Lacs Lake. READ MORE
One of the unique charms of Wahkon is its easy access to the 126-mile Soo Line Trail. It’s a year-round favorite of ATV riders, bicyclists, snowmobilers and cross country skiers.
This easy trail follows much of the Soo Line Railroad grade as it wends itself from Saunders Junction, Wisconsin (near Superior), through the fields and forests of North Central Minnesota and eventually lands riders at Hwy. 10 in Royalton. READ MORE
City Hall Holiday Schedule
According to Ordinance No. 1995-4 – Wahkon City Hall will be closed for the following legal holidays:
New Year’s Day – January 1
Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday – Third Monday, January
Washington’s & Lincoln’s Birthday – Third Monday, February
Memorial Day – Last Monday, May
Independence Day – July 4
Labor Day – First Monday, September
Veterans Day – November 11
Thanksgiving Day – Fourth Thursday, November
Friday Following Thanksgiving – Fourth Friday, November
Christmas Day – December 25
When a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding day shall be a holiday.
When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following day shall be a holiday.
No public business shall be transacted on any holiday, except in cases of necessity and except in cases of public business transacted by the legislature, nor shall any civil process be served thereon.
Photos courtesy of patti packer
If you have any pictures or stories about Wahkon history, please contact Karrie Roeschlein at City hall between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Or Contact Us Here by Email.
151 2nd Street E.
P.O. Box 8
Wahkon, MN 56386
Phone: 320.495.3441